In an appearance on the Mike Violette show earlier this week, Senator Susan Collins said that she would be “tuning in for the rest of” the Republican National Convention. So after Collins watched Donald Trump formally accept her party’s nomination, Mainers need to know: Is she finally ready to be honest about her support for the President?
Senator Collins’ closest allies have already tipped her hand, with Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas confirming that Collins and Trump “support each other” and Collins’ campaign co-chairman Josh Tardy touting his “full throated support” of Trump. And after having voted with Trump 94% of the time and providing key support for his harmful important agenda items, from a tax giveaway for corporations and the wealthy to hundreds of new conservative federal judges, Senator Collins’ record is clear: she backs Trump when it matters most.
But this election season, Collins has made a political calculation that her reelection prospects are stronger if she can keep people in the dark about her support for Trump and has spent the last 621 days refusing to answer questions about her presidential vote. She’s decided that improving her odds of winning is more important than telling the truth.
“Senator Collins owes Mainers the truth about how she’s voting this year,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “After 24 years in Washington, she’s become so focused on playing politics that she’s lost sight of her duty to be honest with the people she represents. It’s long past time for Collins to come clean about her support for Trump.”