Westbrook, MAINE - In case you missed it, Republican Mayor Nick Isgro last night issued his first public statement since telling Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg to “eat it” in a tweet. Surprisingly, Mayor Isgro did not offer an apology and did not show any sort of remorse. Instead, he lashed out at his constituents who are spearheading an effort to recall him and doubled-down on a litany of the far-right’s most pervasive conspiracy theories, saying that the “media”, “wealthy political elites” and “dark money funded outsiders” are the problem.

Maine Democratic Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement:

“It’s sad and concerning that Mayor Isgro can’t seem to bring himself to apologize for his offensive statements. Most reasonable people, regardless of their political perspective, recognize that behavior like his was inappropriate. That he doesn’t reveals a lot about his character. 

The mayor had a chance to demonstrate actual remorse. We’re disappointed he didn’t.”
