Senator Susan Collins has accepted more than $1.2 million from Trump’s top donors. This week, Maine Democrats will highlight why the president’s closest allies are spending big to reelect Collins.


Robert Mercer, the secretive billionaire who spent at least $15 million to support Donald Trump in 2016 has also become a major donor to Senator Susan Collins. Mercer is no moderate — he’s long supported organizations that deny climate science, and believes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a major mistake, but he and his wife both gave the maximum contribution to Collins’ campaign this cycle.


The hedge fund tycoon who has long worked to pull the Republican Party even further to the right is investing in Collins because he’s counting on her support to advance Trump’s agenda in the Senate for six more years. After voting with Trump 94% of the time, Collins has proven to even the most extreme Trump lackeys that she’s on their side.


For the last 646 days, Collins has refused to be honest with Mainers about whether she’s voting to reelect the president, but all voters need to do is follow the money to see that Collins is an MVP on team Trump.


“After nearly four years as a rubber stamp for Trump, Senator Collins has earned the support of the president’s closest allies,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “It’s not a coincidence that extremists like Robert Mercer are spending big to support Collins — they know she’s their best bet to get Trump’s right wing priorities passed in the Senate.”

