Collins has refused to answer this simple question for the last 569 days


Just one week away from the primary election in Maine’s US Senate race, Senator Susan Collins is still refusing to be honest with Mainers about her support for the president’s reelection campaign. In an interview with The New York Times this weekend, Collins refused AGAIN to say whether she’s voting to reelect Donald Trump. 


It’s clear that Trump knows that Senator Collins is in his corner, which is why he’s backed her campaign “100%.” But despite her consistent support for the president’s agenda, Collins has spent the last 569 days refusing to say whether she supports his reelection. That’s not all Collins is trying to hide from Mainers --  according to CQ, she voted with Trump 94% of the time, she voted for the corporate tax giveaway that sparked the GOP lawsuit to strike down the Affordable Care Act, and she voted to confirm every single one of Trump’s judicial nominees in the first two years of his administration. 


“If Senator Collins thinks she can dodge accountability by refusing to be honest about her support for Trump then she’s got another thing coming,” said Maine Democratic Party Chair Kathleen Marra. “Mainers expect honesty from our representatives, and Collins’ cowardly refusal to answer this question is further proof that she is no longer fit to be our Senator.”


Maine’s US Senate primary will be held on July 14th. You can read about all three Democratic candidates here.

