• Maine Democratic Party Responds to Tonight's Republican Gubernatorial Debate At St. Joseph’s College

    Westbrook, MAINE – Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement this evening in response to tonight’s Republican gubernatorial forum at St. Joseph’s College in Standish:

             “Rather than offer new ideas on how to improve our state, Shawn Moody, Mary Mayhew, Garrett Mason, and Ken Fredette spent the vast majority of their time pronouncing their love for Paul LePage, pledging to be four more years of his Administration, and bickering over who would do it best.

  • Following LePage’s Veto of Bipartisan Naloxone Bill, Maine Democratic Party Chairman Says LePage Is Biggest Obstacle to Addressing State’s Opioid Crisis

    Westbrook, MAINE – Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement today after Republican Governor Paul LePage vetoed Speaker Sara Gideon’s bipartisan legislation that would allow for people under the age of 21 to have access to the life-saving, anti-overdose medication naloxone:

  • ICYMI: Mainers Call Out Bruce Poliquin in LTEs

    Westbrook, MAINE - Mainers are continuing to take to the opinion pages of their local papers to criticize Republican Congressman Bruce Poliquin. From his vote to explode the deficit by $1.9 trillion so he could prioritize tax breaks for the wealthy over middle-class Mainers, to his support for legislation that would make it hard for low-income Mainers to eat, to his vote to gut the Affordable Care Act and drive up health care costs, to his constant refusal to answer questions and take accountability, Mainers are noticing and they’re not happy. Here’s what folks are saying:

  • National Journal Ranks Maine’s Governorship As Third Most Likely To Flip

    Westbrook, MAINE – In case you missed it, in its latest set of power rankings released last night, National Journal identifies Maine’s governorship as one of the most likely seats to flip this year.

  • Maine Democratic Party Blasts Collins For Casting Vote to Confirm Extreme Anti-LGBTQ Judge

    Westbrook, Maine – Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement today criticizing Republican Senator Susan Collins for casting a vote to confirm anti-LGBTQ judge Kyle Duncan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit:

  • Maine Democratic Party Officially Opens New Lewiston Office

    Lewiston, MAINE -  The Maine Democratic Party (MDP) today officially opened its newest campaign office in Lewiston. The new office space will serve as a community organizing hub for Democratic candidates running for office this November. This year, MDP has been making early investments in grassroots organizing, a critical move that will be central to mobilizing Democrats to take action heading into this election season.

    MDP Chairman Phil Bartlett, who spoke at the office opening this evening, issued the following statement:

  • ICYMI: Bruce Poliquin Still Unavailable to His Constituents

    Westbrook, MAINE - In case you missed it, WABI TV5 reported yesterday on a group of concerned Maine veterans who gathered outside of Congressman Bruce Poliquin’s office in Bangor to ask him not to support the newly-released GOP Farm Bill because it would result in many low-income Maine people not receiving the food assistance they need - a function of the Congressman’s own harmful proposals. 

  • Maine Democratic Party Chairman: Fredette’s State House Antics Prove He’s Not The Leader Maine People Need in Next Governor

    Westbrook, MAINE – Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement after House Minority Leader and Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Fredette refused to extend the legislative session for five days. Fredette’s and House Republicans’ denial stands in stark contrast to Senate Republicans, who easily passed an extension. 

            “Ken Fredette’s refusal to continue working on the critical issues facing our state is an insult to Maine people who get up and work hard every day. 

  • Maine Democratic Party To Open New Field Office in Lewiston

    Westbrook, MAINE – Monday, April 23rd, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., Maine Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett will be joined Democratic lawmakers, candidates, and local community members to celebrate the grand opening of a new field office in Lewiston. Chairman Bartlett will deliver remarks at the event. The new office space will serve as a local hub for Democratic candidates running for office this November.

    Chairman Phil Bartlett issued the following statement:

  • ICYMI: Rep. Chellie Pingree Op-Ed: Get Ready for the 2018 Farm Bill Fiasco

    Westbrook, MAINE - Today, as the House Agriculture Committee begins to mark up the 2018 farm bill, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) published an op-ed in Civil Eats outlining her concerns about the bill's unnecessary and harmful cuts to the SNAP program, local and regional food programs, and conservation programs, as well as the the secretive, partisan process in which the bill was drafted.