“Collins abandoned Mainers by putting Kavanaugh on the court and he has already voted against our interests”


“Sen. Susan Collins betrayed us too, for her political needs, and not for the first time”


Following a series of anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ equality Supreme Court rulings from Brett Kavanaugh, Maine voters flooded the state’s newspapers with letters calling out the false promises Senator Susan Collins made to justify her vote to confirm him.


While Collins continues to deny the reality of what Kavanaugh’s rulings mean, it’s clear that Maine people can see through her obfuscation, and they’re ready to hold Collins accountable for putting our rights on the line.


Read more:


The Ellsworth American: Hugh Bowden: Kavanaugh shows his true colors


Back in 2018, in her announcement that she would vote to confirm Kavanaugh, Collins placed great emphasis on what she said was his respect for court precedent. [...] What a load of baloney! One can hardly make the case that the Louisiana case involved “most extraordinary circumstances.” Those who have concerns that, given the opportunity, Kavanaugh will be among a Supreme Court majority voting to overturn Roe v. Wade, which establishes a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion, should rightly be worried. And Susan Collins should be held accountable for helping to put Kavanaugh in that position and feeding us all a bunch of hogwash in the process. It’s just one more reason, among many, to vote her out of office come November.


Lewiston Sun Journal: James Lysen: Collins not representing Mainers


In 2018, myself and other Mainers asked Sen. Susan Collins to vote “no” on Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation due to his troubling health care record. As a former city councilor and executive director of a federally qualified health center, I know how vital it is to have leaders who champion health care policies — particularly during a pandemic. But Collins abandoned Mainers by putting Kavanaugh on the court and he has already voted against our interests.


Seacoast Online: Walter Hamilton: Brett Kavanaugh’s vote against reproductive rights was predictable; U.S. Sen. Collins proven a liar


Senator Susan Collins knew he was lying, but said she would vote to confirm him because he promised her he would protect a woman’s right to choose. She was lying when she said she believed him. She lied because she claimed for decades that she would protect a woman’s right to choose. She knew her vote against Kavanaugh would keep him off the court. She chose loyalty to her party and President Trump over honesty, principle and the women of Maine. She made that same choice when she voted to put a coal company lobbyist in the number two position at the EPA when Scott Pruitt, its head, was being forced out. Susan Collins is no longer a person of honor or principle. I hope she will also not be Maine’s senator after the November election.


Lewiston Sun Journal: Steve Bien: Time to replace Sen. Collins


Trump’s behavior was a betrayal, a crass sellout of our national interests for his own ends. In turning her blind eye to his actions, Sen. Susan Collins betrayed us too, for her political needs, and not for the first time. She sold us out over health care, over the tax cut, and over her appointment of radically conservative Supreme Court nominees. She may think the president learned his lesson, but she has hardly learned hers about how the Republican Party plays her repeatedly. She might talk the talk of being a moderate, but her actions speak loudly. It’s time to replace her with someone with integrity and spine.


Portland Press Herald: Stephen Farrell: Collins, Republican colleagues should call for Trump’s resignation


I sit in astonishment as this administration declares success in a pandemic that has killed 125,000 Americans, and continues to try to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which will remove health coverage for 23 million citizens, including 100,000 Mainers. I sit in astonishment at a president who suggests injecting a disinfectant as a promising idea to kill the coronavirus. The hypocrisy of a president who refuses to wear a face covering in public for vanity reasons, showing a dismal lack of leadership and promoting large rallies for political reasons, despite public health risk. [...] I sit in astonishment that not one Republican senator, including our own Sen. Susan Collins, has the spine to ask this president to resign.

