Just in case Mainers needed another reminder that Senator Susan Collins is all-in on Donald Trump, this week campaign signs started popping up in Maine’s second congressional district solidifying Collins’ membership in “Trump Team Maine.”



But the new signs were hardly the only challenge for Collins on the campaign trail this week. 


Monday: Poll finds Collins’ favorability in Maine is even lower than Trump’s


A new poll from Public Policy Polling showed warning signs for Collins, including the finding that her favorability among Mainers is even further underwater than Donald Trump’s.


Tuesday: NYT Publishes Collins Dodging On Her Support For Trump AGAIN


Senator Collins refused to answer yet again when asked by The New York Times whether she’ll be voting for Trump this year, adding to her 572 day streak of refusing to be honest with Mainers about this issue.


Wednesday: Another Anti-Choice Ruling Adds To Mountain Of Evidence That Collins Misled Mainers About Kavanaugh


Following his anti-choice dissent in the June Medical case last week, Brett Kavanaugh ruled this week to allow certain employers to limit their employees access to birth control through their health care plans. For the second time in two weeks, Kavanaugh demonstrated that all of Collins’ lofty promises to justify her vote to confirm him were false.


Thursday: Collins Ally Launches Long Shot Effort To Try To Get Collins’ Conservative Challenger Off The Ballot


And if you needed any more evidence that Collins and her allies are running scared, look no further than longtime Susan Collins ally Mary Small’s unlikely bid to get Max Linn off the ballot. According to the Lewiston Sun Journal, Linn “poses a threat of siphoning off some conservative votes that Collins may need to come out on top.” And with Collins’ popularity among Mainers as low as it’s ever been, she can’t afford to lose her base to Linn.


Maine’s US Senate primary will be held on July 14th. You can read about all three Democratic candidates here.

