The Democratic State Committee (DSC) has several important standing Committees that work in specialized areas:

The Finance Committee oversees the finances of the State Party. The membership is made up of 5 members elected by the Democratic State Committee in January of odd-numbered years.

The Grievance Committee hears disputes within the Party and makes fair and impartial decisions. It's membership is made up of 2 members and 1 alternate elected from each Congressional District by the Democratic State Committee in January of odd-numbered years.

The Rules Committee makes and evaluates proposals to amend the Charter and provides guidance on interpreting the Charter. It's membership is made up of one member elected by each County Committee after the State Convention and before their officer elections (i.e. sometime between June of even years and usually January of odd years).

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee is made up of individuals with deep expertise in DEIB, the committee guides the MDP’s internal and external DEIB operations. The existence of a permanent DEIB Committee ensures that no matter who the staff or leadership of the party may be, anti-racism is core to our operations.

Standing Committee Chairs

Wayne Kinney

Grievance Chair

Carl Pease

Rules Chair

Ellie Sato

DEIB Chair

Sara Salley

Finance Chair